Making the rounds in Pigeon River Country

Out See Go
By Chris Engle, contributor

The end of April brought opening day of trout season, a welcome date on the calendar after nearly six months of winter. Spring in Northern Michigan is the reason I live here and opening day for trout — which coincides with the walleye opener too — is more exciting than Christmas in my book.

This year, a friend invited me to trout camp in the heart of the Pigeon River Country State Forest, an expanse of 100,000 acres of public land with three rivers and many lakes. It’s a place I know pretty well but Alex knows it way better, and his directions to trout camp were as convoluted as he likes it. In his trout-centric mind, roads don’t cross rivers — it’s the rivers that cross roads — and his landmarks are forks, two-tracks and old signs few others would even notice.

The post Making the rounds in Pigeon River Country appeared first on Gaylord Michigan.

Source: Gaylord Michigan

2019-07-31T15:14:49+00:00May 17th, 2019|